
Call (702) 202-1211 or fill out form to get free quote

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A Warm Welcome from the Owner
Thank you for taking the time to explore our site.  At GVS Solar Energy, we place a strong emphasis on transparency and genuine care for our customers.  We understand that navigating the world of solar energy can seem overwhelming, and that's precisely why we are here – to simplify the process for you.

Our commitment to you goes beyond just delivering solar solutions; it's about offering real value and being a trusted source of information.  We are not here to push you into making decisions you're uncomfortable with or inundate you with aggressive sales tactics.  Instead, we aim to empower you with the knowledge you need to make informed choices.

We genuinely care about addressing any questions or concerns you may have and finding the best solutions to meet your unique needs.  Your satisfaction and peace of mind are paramount to us, and we are dedicated to helping you every step of the way.

So please take a moment to fill out our form for a free quote. Let's embark on this solar journey together, and we promise to be your reliable partner throughout the entire process.

Thank you for considering us for your solar energy needs.  We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.

Warm regards,
Miguel Gutierrez, Owner, GVS Solar Energy
Solar Energy System Incentives:
Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit (aka Federal Solar Investment Tax Credit) - Basic Overview **
When you install a solar power system at your residence, the federal government rewards you with a 30% tax credit for investing in solar energy.  In short, 30% of your total project costs, (including permitting, equipment, and installation) can be claimed as a credit on your federal tax return for that year.

A tax credit is a dollar-for-dollar reduction of the federal income tax you owe.  $1 credit = $1 less you pay in taxes.  It’s that simple.  If you spend $10,000 on your system, you owe $3,000 less in taxes the following year (less any state incentives).

It’s important to note that a credit is different than a refund because you must owe taxes to claim the incentive.  But since most people owe taxes, most people end up being eligible for the federal solar tax credit.  You can also “carry forward” any unused portion of your tax credit and use it to reduce your taxes in future years.

To claim the credit, you must own the system, not lease it, and your home’s system must be fully installed.  Solar systems can take some time to design, schedule, and install - so now is the time to start if you want to meet any deadline.
Nevada Net Metering
Net metering allows solar customers, who generate their own electricity, to feed what they do not use back into the grid.  As the excess generated energy feeds back into the grid, the system owner receives credits for their excess solar production of electricity.
NV Energy Incentive
Be sure to ask our representative about an additional incentive that is offered by NV Energy.
**  Consult with your tax professional to be sure you are eligible to claim the tax credit.
Why Choose GVS Solar Energy?
At GVS Solar Energy, we are committed to providing exceptional service and helping you maximize your energy savings. Here's why we are the top choice for your solar panel installation:

With years of experience in the solar industry, our team of professionals have the knowledge and skills to design and install a customized solar energy system tailored to your specific needs.

We only work with industry-leading manufacturers to ensure that you receive the most efficient and reliable solar panels. 

We offer a one-stop solution for your energy needs. With our solar panel installation you can maximize your energy savings.

No need to worry about your roof.  As a general contractor, who also builds custom homes, no company is better qualified than GVS.  Our trained technicians handle every aspect of the installation process, ensuring a seamless and hassle-free experience. We take care of all the details, so you can sit back and relax.

Take the First Step Towards Energy Independence!

Ready to start saving money? Fill out the form above to request a free quote for your residential solar energy PV system.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to double down on your energy bill savings. Save thousands of dollars on the cost of equipment and installation.  Earn the 30% Federal Residential Clean Energy Tax Credit when you go solar this year!

Join the solar revolution with GVS Solar Energy today!


free blown in insulation offer with purchase of residential solar system
* 3 kW residential solar energy PV system.  Limited time offer.  This month only.  Not valid in combination with any other offer.